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rakën hamotuys

Word Order

Since the Allamej is a language that uses suffixes that rule the grammatical function of words, their order is not decisive to the understanding of phrases.


Just as in heavily synthetic languages such as Russian, there is no fixed order of words in Allamej phrases, although the SVO (Object-Verb-Object) order is more commonly used in texts.



Typically, the items you want to emphasize can be located at the beginning of the sentence. This is because alamese is a language with case suffixes, which means that, the grammatical functions of words are tagged by suffixes rather than by word position in sentences.



For example, when constructing a sentence with the elements "the language", "man (person)" and "made" in languages such as English, Spanish or Portuguese, the position in the sentence is important to identify the subject and the object. "The language made the man" is different from "the man made the language".


In Allamej it does not happen, because the direct object, which is the element that suffers the action, receives the ending -uh. Thus we have:


  • Ha-: definite article.

  • Ej: language

  • In: person, man 

  • Macul: made


Among possible phrases that mean "The tongue made man" are:


  • Haej macul hainuh.

  • Macul haej hainuh.

  • Haej hainuh macul.


The difference, however, is what one wants to emphasize that must be situated or approaching the beginning of the sentence.

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